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Tuesday 12 April 2016

Thank you Tesco's

Thank you Tesco's!

Over the Easter Weekend Tesco store in Rugby held a raffle for a 32" TV. They raised £270 for Project Welcome. Here is Sharon presenting us with the money at our recent Community Leaders' Breakfast.
Thank you, we really appreciate you!

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Good News

Great News 1.
Great news from our Gift Day in October. Church members have donated a staggering £36,000 towards Project Welcome. This is a hugely generous response and shows a deep commitment to making this project happen. If you feel able to support us by adding to our total:  www.justgiving.com/stpeter-stjohn or Text OPEN16 £10 to 70070

Great News 2. 
Today Sheila is meeting with two key people helping us to get our bids for funding together. 

Great New 3. 
Tesco is hosting a raffle for us over the Easter Weekend!  Get along to Tesco's and be in with a chance to win a 32" TV - thank you Tesco's!

Thursday 6 August 2015

Brilliant Open Day - thank you everyone for your support

Thank you everyone who came along last Saturday to our open day. We had a lot of fun. Thank you to all the very generous people who contributed time, energy, money and gifts. 
Thank you to the stall holders who were also very kind with their donations and raffle prizes (raffle will be held at the Christmas fair). 
We had a great day. Around 250 or more people came through the church and we raised over a £1000 pounds which well and truly launched Project Welcome. 
Thank you Kevin Downham for a great lunch-time concert. 
The history exhibition was particularly popular, thank you to so many people who brought their own photos and stories. 
It was great to also get such positive feedback about the Future exhibition of our plans for opening the door. There is a really good feeling about this idea in our community. 
Here are some more photos from the day:
The stationary bike challenge
 These four cyclists did the Big Buddy Bike Ride for us - 50 miles round Rugby

This is how the vicar did the open day! (as if) 

 Here is an artist which gives a good general impression of what our new entrance may look like.

Our plans are still up and the history exhibition is still there so do come along any Sunday morning or Wednesday lunchtime in August if you missed it and would like to see it.

Friday 31 July 2015

Our open day is tomorrow: Sat 1st August 
The forecast is good ;-) 
BBQ, tea and cakes, friendly welcome, history exhibition, accordion concert (1pm), see the building plans, meet the architect (11-12noon), bouncy castle, stalls plus second hand goods, stationary bike challenge, popcorn, and more!

Monday 20 July 2015

Children explain Project Welcome

Here is a video made by some children from St Andrews Benn School Rugby. The school comes up to church once a term for a service. They would love to see a better way in to our building!